

Different Color People

Tan People

Brown People

White People

Chocolate People

Pie People

Facts about Leopards

 I want to tell you about my favorite animal. I like leopards. I saw one at the zoo in Indiana. If I had one I would take really good care of it. It could live in a cage in my room. I promise I would feed it. It just would eat grass, because mine would be a vegetarian.

A baby one would be best. That way I could crawl around in the cage with it. When it gets big, I can just get a bigger cage. I can make a cage comfy out of wood and pillows. It would never eat me, or bite me because I would love it. I did research today about leopards at the library.

Some are extinct. I know why people want their skin. When people go into the jungle they use knives to cut the pretty skin off to make coats I think. That’s gross. I wouldn’t want to wear a bloody coat.

We can make coats out of other stuff. Things that are not alive.

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